Romantic books for a roller coaster ride of emotions. And best of all: you can read it right here!
Always is a damn long word
🌟 Winner of the DELIA Youth Literature Prize 2021
Love is for idiots. Like me.
🌟 Nominated for the Buxtehude bull 2016
🌟 Nominated for the German Children's Audio Book Award BEO 2016
Mistletoe Moments Adventskalender
Adventszeit in New York! Glitzernde Schaufenster, Schlittschuhlaufen im Central Park, prickelnde Gefühle am Times Square – kein Ort der Welt lässt das Herz im Dezember höherschlagen als New York. Lass dich in die weihnachtlich geschmückte Stadt entführen, denn was könnte schöner sein, als sich die Vorweihnachtszeit mit romantischen Geschichten zu versüßen? Die Lovestorys in „Mistletoe Moments“ zeigen dir New York von seiner gefühlvollsten Seite, mit unwiderstehlichen Dates und atemberaubenden Küssen …
🌟 Shortstorys verschiedener Autor:innen
🌟 Silvester-Special von Sabine Schoder
🌟 3-seitiger limitierter Farbschnitt
Winter Wishes Adventskalender
Merry Christmas, Pine Hills!
Funkelnde Lichter, weihnachtlich geschmückte Straßen und ein glamouröser Winterball in einem einzigartigen Setting – willkommen in Pine Hills! Lass dich in die verschneite Collegestadt entführen, denn was gibt es Schöneres, als sich die Adventszeit mit romantischem Lesestoff zu versüßen? Die Lovestorys in „Winter Wishes“ nehmen dich Tag für Tag mit auf eine Reise in die zauberhafte Welt von Pine Hills voller prickelnder Gefühle und unwiderstehlicher Küsse im Schneegestöber …
🌟 Shortstorys aus Pine Hills für 24 Tage plus ein Silvester-Special deiner deutschsprachigen Lieblingsautor*innen
🌟 Türchen 24 von Sabine Schoder
🌟 Spiegel-Bestseller Platz 13
Damn it!
My devil the snail and me
Lu Isa is new at the "Bad Reinemacher elite school for proper education and excellent performance" and only wants one thing: to make friends. However, the director, Ms. Powischer, and the top hip INFLUENZA clique make her life hell - at least according to Lu Isa's ideas of hell. But then she meets Urian Horsefoot: freshly rattled through the demon test, he has to grant Lu Isa a wish every day. Unfortunately, wishing is more treacherous than you think... it's hellishly difficult, so to speak! Will Lu Isa manage to make friends with Urian by her side?
🌟 Funny scary fun from 9 years
🌟 Elaborately designed and brilliantly illustrated by Fréderic Bertrand
Always is a damn long word
Sometimes a single moment changes your whole life. In Rena's case: the second the motorcycle crashed into the tree. Coma, pain, memory lapses. But Rena is tough, she always was! She can handle anything but love falling at her feet - literally, from the balcony of the apartment above her. Because this boy, who has one green eye and one light blue eye, questions everything...
🌟 WINNER Delia Youth Literature Prize 2021
🌟 Nominated for LovelyBooks Readers' Award 2020
Love is so fucking complicated
At a party, Nele crashes with Jerome, who embodies everything she's always longed for. When they kiss for the first time, Nele has a hundred thousand butterflies in her stomach. But the next day, a video of her is circulating on the internet, in which she is clearly wearing too little. Actually, only Jerome could have made this video. But Nele suspects that the truth is much more complicated...
🌟 Nominated for LovelyBooks Readers' Award 2018
Love is for idiots. Like me.
"There are a few things I don't want to talk about. With no one. But this has nothing to do with you, okay? Everything is going wrong in my life right now. You are the only positive.”
"I? Positive? You must be pretty desperate.”
"Or quite a crush."
Optimistically, Viki's life is an all-out disaster. Her mother: dead. Her father: drunk all the time. Her heart: broken. Even the strongest survivor can get weak, smoke a few bags too many and end up in bed with a guy she thinks is totally stupid...
🌟 Nominated for the Buxtehude bull 2016
🌟 Nominated for the German Children's Audio Book Prize BEO 2016
🌟 LovelyBooks Readers' Award 2015 - 2nd place in the category "Best Book Title"/16. 1st place in the category “Best Young Adult Book”
Available as a folded brochure, paperback and audio book.
short story
#herzleer - what else I wanted to say
“Between tingling giggles and honey rush
I want to kiss you for the first time."
- heart skewer
What remains when love goes. Eight last messages from loved ones and the stories of how each last message came about. Eight authors give youthful melancholy a voice and write about love in its most diverse forms. A love that is so intense that it takes your breath away, a love that hurts, that tears apart, that shouldn't be or that never came about. In the end, the question always remains: what if? The timeless topic of love, prepared in a modern way and told with passion by new, courageous voices in the field of youth books
short story
Heart Enemies - Love in times of fear
It was still no more than a promise of winter, an ice-cold threat, but it had been getting colder for weeks; eternal summer had turned into autumn and now a new season was beginning inexorably.
An ice age.
My eyes fell on Zen's hands.
"You're shaking," I informed him.
- Cravings
Strange, colorful worlds, threats from nature, repressive governments, the fight for survival, escape and dangerous opponents - the themes of the collected stories are so diverse and exciting. But one thing connects them all: love. We meet desperate lovers, forbidden love, love that gives hope and love that seems impossible. Almost 400 authors took part in our writing competition, which was carried out in cooperation with the Friedrich Oetinger Verlag, and submitted their short stories under the theme "Panem - Love in Times of Fear".
The 6 winning texts are summarized in this anthology. Immerse yourself in terrifying worlds and accompany our heroes on their adventurous journeys.